We welcome you on Limitless.mu

Limitless is a company based in Mauritius offering a concierge service which provides its members a team of personal assistants who will cater to their every desire and necessities.

Our aim is to simplify the daily life of our customers by saving their time. Time is the most valuable asset we possess. Limitless can handle any task in place of the customer.

No request is too small. A member may ask us for perform a simple task such as his grocery shopping or to handle a large project such as managing the construction of his villa.

The strong network that we have and which we are continuously expanding, gives us access to infinite possibilities.

We select the best professionals in all domains in every region of Mauritius and then become partners. We develop a special relationship with our partners and our members, which allows us to find a solution to every problem.

All geographic areas are covered through personal assistants located in all regions of the island, thereby allowing us to be extremely responsive and efficient.

We address the needs of a very broad spectrum of customers. Through our various membership cards, we offer services tailored for Mauritian residents, tourists, entrepreneurs and the Middle East customers.